How To Attract Your Ideal Clients With Your Brand Photos

I recently chatted with a potential client who had put her business completely on pause. Why? She kept attracting the wrong clients. After realizing that the people reaching out to her did not fit her ideal client profile, she decided to take a step back and do a brand audit. She took some time to evaluate her messaging, brand colors, social media platforms, and brand images and realized something important. While her brand had been a great fit for her business when she first launched, it no longer aligned with the image she wanted to portray and the clients she wanted to serve.

Here’s why that’s a good thing… 

Our businesses often change and evolve and so do our personal brands. We’re not static, one-dimensional people, so from time to time, a shift may need to be made in order to better align with our life’s journey, our experience, and expertise. This is an opportunity to take stock and to ask yourself:

Have your offerings changed? How about your target audience? Does your brand itself reflect the values and aesthetic you want to convey today? If you answered, “yes, yes, no!” to these questions, it means you’ve grown as a business owner and it’s time to make a change! 

As you gain clarity on your brand’s new direction, it’s important to consider updating your brand images with a current photoshoot.  Before you get started, here are some questions to consider as an essential step in aligning your brand images with your new brand vision.  

What three words best describe my personality? Do my brand images reflect these attributes and my brand vibe? 

Your personality and your brand are not entirely synonymous, but they often go hand-in-hand. If your closest friends would describe you as bold, quirky, and fun but the images on your website and social media feed convey soft colors with little personality, your potential clients are probably getting the wrong idea. If you are easy-going, spiritual, and nurturing your images should convey a calm vibe with soothing colors and actions.

We’ve all heard of the “like attracts like” principle.  Essentially, if you show your fun and bold self in your brand photos, clients who are also fun and bold will be drawn to you—and before you know it, you’ll have a client list that feels totally aligned.

Do the locations, props, and wardrobe selections in my brand images align with my current vision? 

Every detail in your brand photos communicates something to your potential clients. I always help my clients plan a brand shoot that truly feels like them. If you’re a realtor in a luxury market, let’s capture you in one of your high-end listings reviewing paperwork with a “client.” If you’re a health coach, let’s chop some fresh fruits and veggies in your kitchen and then head over to Whole Foods. If your target audience is corporate executives, your outfits should be sleek and professional.

Do I have a collection of images that is strategic and communicates the different aspects of my business?

Having a great headshot is important but is just not enough in order to keep up with today’s online marketing demands.  Potential clients need to see or hear from you multiple times before they will buy from you.  It is also important to remember that different people consume information in different ways (emails, your website, social media, blogs, podcasts, etc.).

Do you have the image library to support the consistency needed to build that know, like, and trust factor? 

Do your images give a glimpse of you behind the scenes and share the benefits of working with you?  When your brand photos are intentional and executed professionally, you can effortlessly use them to tell your story and build connections with your ideal clients.

Ask yourself, do my current images truly communicate who I am and make my ideal client want to know more when they land on my website or to “stop the scroll” on social media? If not, let’s chat! Schedule a call with the button below so we can start dreaming up the images that will help your business shine while feeling totally true to who you are today.

Let's chat!

Not in my service area (NJ/NYC), no problem! My Image Envy Vision Board service will help you create an intentional image roadmap you can bring to any photographer. CLICK HERE for more information.


Three Ways To Shine In Your Brand Photos


Brand Photography Spotlight: Anna Ablogina, Stop Motion Artist & Product Photographer